should I read reads
book reviews and recommendations
for 4th-8th grade students
This site has been created to provide parents, teachers, and students with reviews and recommendations for 4th-8th grade level novels from a Christian who is a retired elementary school teacher. With children, there is always that question, "should I read this book." Also, parents want to make sure that the literature their children are reading is age and values appropriate. I hope to help you answer that question. My goal is to add 2-3 reviews each month. The books will have been written within the last 5-10 years.
For each book I have listed the ratings from Amazon, Good Reads, and Common Sense Media. My rating is shown as 4Rbooks. As a handy reference I've placed an emoji at the front of each title: Sparkles indicate the book received a rating of 5 or 6 out of 6. Thumbs up, a rating of 4. Ratings of 3 are indicated by a shrug and 2's and 1's get a thumbs down.
I then give a summary of the book, a parent warning summary, and an overall reaction and recommendation. I will often highlight where I bought the book. I like to patron independently owned bookstores when I'm traveling, or the gift shops I visit along the way.. If you sign up for the site, you will receive notification when each new review is posted.