I’m building this website because I want parents and students to make informed choices about what they read. I will be writing my reviews from the viewpoint of a former teacher (4th and 6th grade), a lover of good stories, and a Christian. My goal is to share reviews of books that I enjoyed and give informed warnings about books that might need parental guidance. Most of the books I will review will be newer novels for students in the middle grades, anything from fourth grade to eighth grade. Occasionally I will also review and remind my readers of great classics.
I hope this will be an important tool for all parents, teachers, and children who want to make sure that the literature they read and use is appropriate for the desired age level. I do not believe that books should be censored, but I do believe that content knowledge is the key to making wise choices.
If you see value in what I am doing, feel free to share with anyone you think might enjoy and benefit from my perspective.